The University Museum and Art Gallery opens a window into their permanent collection in its latest exhibition of 20th-century Chinese paintings. From masters of the classic genres of landscape and bird-and-flower paintings to luminaries of Hong Kong's New Ink movement, the exhibition draws strength from its anthological approach by bringing together representative works by over 50 artists whose personal histories connect them to Hong Kong and whose creative contribute to the evolution of ink painting and artistic development in this city.
Director of the museum, Dr. Florian Knothe, comments in a foreword to the exhibition:
"UMAG's exhibition makes reference to individuals and their networks, to teacher-student relationships and to the generosity of the numerous painters who have helped to grow the museum's holdings and whose work constitutes the foundation of the institution's educational work today. Since initiating their publicly accessible collection in the 1950s, UMAG has been closely connected to the development of these painters and their work, and has actively documented the evolution of their artistic talents and the Hong Kong art scene."
Tradition to Contemporary: Ink Painting and Artistic Development in 20th-century China
24 August to 18 November 2018
University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong
Free admission
For more information, visit
Exhibition highlights
冰湖景色 Alpine Lake
朱楚珠 (1941 年生) Nancy CHU WOO (b. 1941) 1992 年 水墨粉彩紙本橫幅 88 x 176.5 厘米
1992 Horizontal scroll, ink and gouache on paper
綠綺園圖 Green Silk Zither Garden (Lüqi Yuan)
黃賓虹 (1865-1955) HUANG Bin-hong (1865–1955) 1930 年 水墨紙本立軸 93.2 x 31.2 厘米
1930, Hanging scroll, ink on paper 93.2 x 31.2 cm
鄧袓風先生和梁惠儀女 士惠贈 Gift of Mr Tang Cho-fung and Ms Leung Wai-yee
聚 Concentration
周綠雲 Irene CHOU (Zhou Lü -yun, 1924 –2011)
1980 年 設色紙本直幅 179.7 x 95.5 厘米
1980, Vertical scroll, ink and colour on paper 179.7 x 95.5 cm
難忘時分 The Unforgettable Moment
馮永基 (1952 年生) Raymond FUNG Wing-kee (b. 1952)
1992 年 設色紙本直幅六屏 各 112.5 x 33 厘米
1992 Set of six vertical panels, ink and colour on paper 112.5 x 33 cm each
畫家惠贈 Gift of the artist